Monday, April 5, 2010

Oakland Cemetary

Oakland Cemetery is located in the Grant Park Area of Atlanta. It was established in 1850 and is still active. It sits on a low hill over looking downtown. The cemetery contains separate burial areas for whites, blacks, Jews, as well as areas for Confederate and Union soldiers from the Civil War. Twenty mayors of Atlanta are buried there as well as many local celebs.
Atlanta was once called Marthasville.
Margaret Mitchell wrote Gone With The Wind. The novel and movie reinvigorated interest from a time that had been forgotten.

Atlanta was a very industrial town. The Fulton Cotton Mill in the background has been converted to condos.
Across Memorial Drive there's and popular brew pub called Six Feet Under.
The Confederate soldier section is quite large.
This monument 'The Lion of Atlanta' was commissioned by a woman's group in 1894 to memorialize fallen Confederate soldiers. It depicts a lion slain by a broken spear that has fallen on the Confederate flag.In the end we all pass.